Monday, November 27, 2006

Pay-Per-Click Not-So-Easy

A November survey by “shopper-centric, e-commerce consultants” the e-tailing Group and eMarketer has outlined the approach retailers use when managing their own search marketing campaigns, contrary to the automate-it-with-technology solution that we preach here at WebVisible. The burdens of self procurement are many, according to the survey.
99% of those that manage PPC campaigns in-house have three or fewer people working on the job.
One third of businesses spend 21 or more hours a week managing PPC campaigns and another third spend five or less hours a week.
40% of the respondents reported that they manage more than 5,000 keywords. To accomplish the task, 59% manage internally, 18% outsource and 24% use a combination of internal and outsourced solutions.
“It is clear that merchants see value in this marketing method,” Lauren Freedman, president of the e-tailing group, told Internet Retailer. “However, resource constraints plus limited time availability and skilled personnel to dedicate to PPC were frustrations.”
Some businesses appear to spend enough hours managing pay-per-click campaigns as to dedicate a full-time staff person (or persons) to the task. Astonishing, considering the conveniences that technology can provide.

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