Monday, November 27, 2006

What is PPC Maximization?

Paid search is unique to online advertising. Because of its inherent functionality, paid search shares many benefits and in some cases expands the benefits of targeted direct mal marketing. Paid search is effectively measurable (in real-time), conducive to controlled testing, increasingly targeted, and dependent on creative/ad text persuasiveness.

Due to these benefits, paid search is an extremely effective direct response strategy. Although many paid search engines advertise otherwise, industry research challenges the value of paid search as a branding strategy.

PPC maximization; therefore, is the systematic process of generating a greater return from your paid search investment. How it is achieved is through leveraging the advantages of paid search to their maximum capacity.

PPC maximization aims to achieve two, overall objectives: (1) to reduce spending costs while (2) generating more actions (however you define your desired action.) It’s a concentrated effort for achieving more from less.

Proven strategies for maximizing paid search include:

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